350 Aotearoa

350 Aotearoa is the New Zealand arm of the international climate movement 350.org, which aims to unite the world around climate change solutions. Our mission is to inspire climate action in communities across New Zealand.

350 Aotearoa launched with the goal to inspire and engage individuals, communities, businesses and governments around climate change action and solutions. We run campaigns, provide education, inspiration, practical tools, creative ideas, and leadership to challenge our cultural acceptance of fossil fuels, and to get New Zealand and the rest of the world back on track to 350ppm and, consequentially, climate safety.

350 Pacific Climate Warriors - Te Whanganui a Tara logo

350 Pacific Climate Warriors - Te Whanganui a Tara

350 Pacific Climate Warriors are a grassroots, youth-led network from across the Pacific, including Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and the United States. Climate change is a lived reality for the people of the Pacific who continue to deal with the consequences of inaction, particularly from countries in the Global North.

The Te Whanganui a Tara team was formed in 2018, and is based in Wellington, New Zealand. The team aims to highlight the vulnerability of Pacific island nations on the frontlines of climate change, whilst also showcasing their strength and resilience. PCW is made up of dedicated volunteers, whose Coordinators are Kalo Afeaki and Bethany Mataiti.


ActionStation is a progressive multi-issue online campaign organisation that is a part of OPEN (Online Progressive Engagement Network). We work on a number of issues that fall generally into the themes of a fair society, a healthy environment and accountable politics.

Amnesty International NZ

Amnesty International is a global movement of individuals who protect and defend human rights. We campaign for justice wherever it has been denied and protect people, defending their right to freedom, truth and dignity.

They do this by investigating and exposing abuses, mobilising our movement of over 7 million supporters from 150 countries worldwide to take action. They send experts to investigate and report wherever human rights abuses occur, working with thousands of international media outlets to expose the guilty and call them to justice.

They support advocates and activists defending human rights in their own countries. They put pressure on offending governments, groups and individuals to ensure they uphold, create or change laws to protect human rights. They educate present and future generations, so that one day, the dream of human rights for all can become a reality.

Amnesty International is impartial and does not accept any money from governments or political parties. This allows them to maintain full independence from any governments, political ideologies, economic interests or religions.

Aotearoa New Zealand Human Rights Lawyers Association

The Association is a non-partisan independent group dedicated to the study and advancement of human rights in New Zealand and abroad. To this end, we:

  • engage in educational projects (included, but not limited to, Continued Legal Education courses)

  • provide amicus briefs

  • assist in legal analysis and in the drafting of reports on human rights issues by other organisations

  • draft submissions to highlight the human rights aspects of proposed legislative changes

  • undertake shadow reporting for international organisations

We are a charitable incorporated society governed by an Advisory Council and Executive Board.

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Aotearoa Youth Leadership Institute

The Aotearoa Youth Leadership Institute is training and inspiring a new generation of New Zealand leaders by giving them the opportunity to attend the world’s most significant international conferences. 

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Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ agency for justice, peace and development. We work for a world free of poverty and injustice through community development, advocacy, education, and emergency relief. We belong to the Caritas Internationalis confederation of 160 Catholic aid, development and social justice agencies worldwide.

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Citizens’ Climate Lobby New Zealand

Citizens' Climate Lobby New Zealand believes that New Zealand should adopt the Carbon Fee and Dividend carbon pricing policy alongside the ETS to impose a steadily increasing carbon fee on fossil fuels and to return 100% of the revenue to the population pro rata as a monthly dividend. This is the fairest and most effective way to price carbon. However effective the ETS becomes, the outcomes will be better if we adopt the Carbon Fee and Dividend as well. Canada has adopted the Carbon Fee and Dividend to work alongside an ETS as the federal backstop. Other countries have carbon taxes as well as an ETS, for example Sweden which maintains the highest carbon price in the world.

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Climate Club NZ

We publish the Climate Club, an email newsletter for anyone who’s ever wanted to do something about climate change in New Zealand. We realised that while most people care about climate change, not everyone has the time or energy to devote huge amounts of their life to it. We wanted to make a platform that makes it easier for anyone to take meaningful climate action in those extra 5, 15, 30 minutes in their weeks. Through this, we want to boost the campaigns of climate experts, scientists, and activists who have the means and the knowledge to research these issues and solutions.

Climate Karanga Marlborough

Climate Karanga Marlborough is a collective of people wanting to support activities that nurture and sustain Papatuanuku (Our Earth Mother) rather than exploit and deplete.

Mission: To bring to the people of Marlborough the realities of climate breakdown and educate how best to respond.

Goals: To assist elected representatives and their officials to pursue policies designed to limit the extent of rapid climate change and help New Zealanders adapt to its consequences. To increase NZ society’s awareness of, and its preparedness to meet the impending challenges that rapid climate change will entail. To provide a social support network and first point of recourse for Marlburians and other New Zealanders anxious about, or looking to better understand the implications of rapid climate change.

Coal Action Network Aotearoa (CANA)

CANA is a national organisation working to phase out coal mining and coal usage in Aotearoa New Zealand by 2027, initially by opposing new and expanded coal mines. We do this because we recognise the mining and burning of coal as the biggest threat to the world's climate system. We want to be part of a just transition to a coal-free Aotearoa New Zealand.


ECO was founded in 1971 as CoEnCo to meet the needs of the conservation community. We became ECO in 1976. We are a non-profit network of 50+ organisations with a concern for conservation and the environment.

Our membership includes large international groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, national groups including National Council of Women, as well as small local groups such as Kapiti Environmental Action and Save the Otago Peninsula, and issue oriented groups like the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust.

ECO has been centrally involved in campaigns to protect native forests, lakes and rivers, the reform of the Mining Act and defeat of the National Development Act, and in supporting the Resource Management Act and the establishment of the Department of Conservation and Ministry for the Environment. ECO continues to be at the forefront of environmental campaigns on fisheries, transport and environmental management.

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Ecologic is a small, independent think tank focused on strategy, policy and research on environmental issues in New Zealand. Our mission is to find pathways to sustainability, pathways which respect and harmonize three sets of principles - those of Ecology, Economy and Ethics.

Edmund Rice Justice Trust

Edmund Rice Justice Aotearoa New Zealand was established in 2005 to provide support to people and groups interested in social justice. Our supporters and volunteers have a wide variety of backgrounds, careers and experiences and are all brought together by a passion for social justice. Our organisation works through the pillars of social justice: Community, Action, Advocacy and Relationships to highlight and seek social justice.

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Environment Hubs Aotearoa

Environment Hubs Aotearoa (EHA) is a purpose-driven, nationwide environmental network dedicated to empowering community-led regeneration and resilience. Through a collaborative approach, we empower community organisations to increase social cohesion, community resilience and environmental stewardship. Our mission is to bring communities together and create lasting, positive change for our taiao and tamariki. We honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a living guide for our mahi. It shapes our engagement with tāngata whenua and our collective pursuit of a sustainable Aotearoa.


We are a working class social change trade union representing workers in the retail, finance, commerce, transport, logistics and manufacturing industries.

Forest and Bird

Forest & Bird is New Zealand’s largest independent conservation organisation that works to preserve our natural heritage and native species.

Originally formed to protect our native forests and birds, Forest & Bird's role has since grown to include protection of all native species and wild places, – on land and in our oceans, lakes and rivers.

Forest & Bird gives nature a voice, speaking for all our threatened species and fragile places - from endangered Maui’s dolphins to high-country tussock-lands.


Generation Zero

Generation Zero's vision is to see New Zealand leading the way to a zero carbon future. Our mission is to mobilise youth to take political action for climate change solutions.


Greenpeace Aotearoa

Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.

Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste Zero Carbon

Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste Zero Carbon is an environmental education, community enterprise under the auspices of The Sustainable North Trust CC20456 which was established in 2008.  We are working in schools in the Hibiscus Bays Local Board area to raise awareness and inspire climate action by using school food scraps and biochar to transform clay into carbon sinking gardening beds.  We are also working with Business Whangaparaoa on ways to promote local businesses taking climate action with the Green Scheme.  Our projects are currently supported by the Auckland Council Climate Action Grant and Foundation North.  We also run a local food scrap collection, called City to Farm, that delivers commercial food scraps to a local banana plantation for composting and sells the organic bananas at our WCRC Ecoshop to demonstrate sustainable, resilient, local food production.

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Hui E! Community Aotearoa

Hui E! was set up in October 2014 to promote, strengthen and connect communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. They are a national umbrella organisation that brings community organisations together to talk about important issues that face the sector and impact on civil society in New Zealand. They then advocate to government on these issues to create change. Hui E! do this through three key approaches: Kōrero – framing the conversation, Hui – testing and building ideas, and Āwhina – developing responses. Hui E! also brings in international perspectives on issues that affect the wider sector, through its connections to CIVICUS and the United Nations.

Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Human Rights Foundation is a non-governmental organisation, established in December 2001, to promote and defend human rights through research based education and advocacy. We have made submissions on new laws with human rights implications. We also monitor compliance and implementation of New Zealand’s international obligations in accordance with the requirements of the international conventions New Zealand has signed, and have prepared shadow reports for relevant United Nations treaty bodies to be considered alongside official reports. Though the primary focus of the Foundation is on human rights in New Zealand, we recognise the universality of human rights and have an interest in human rights in the Pacific and beyond.

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Keepacoolworld | Observer member

Keepacoolworld encourages community engagement on climate change and climate action. They aim to spread positive stories as well as making climate news relevant to general public.

Lawyers for Climate Action NZ

Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Incorporated (LCANZI) are lawyers who want to use legal skills and experience to ensure a better future for everyone.  LCANZI are barristers, solicitors, and legal academics.  We come from all over New Zealand and have specialist expertise in many different areas of the law.  

LCANZI believe that New Zealand can and should do more in the global fight against climate change.  We want to make sure that New Zealand meets its obligations under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions and that it does so in a way that is evidence-based, effective, and consistent with the rule of law, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, international law, and with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. 

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Living Streets Aotearoa

Living Streets Aotearoa is New Zealand’s national walking and pedestrian organisation, providing a positive voice for people on foot and working to promote walking-friendly planning and development around the country. Our vision is “More people choosing to walk more often and enjoying public places”.

The objectives of Living Streets Aotearoa are:
• to promote walking as a healthy, environmentally-friendly and universal means of
transport and recreation
• to promote the social and economic benefits of pedestrian-friendly communities
• to work for improved access and conditions for walkers, pedestrians and runners
including walking surfaces, traffic flows, speed and safety
• to advocate for greater representation of pedestrian concerns in national, regional
and urban land use and transport planning.

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Mindful Money

New charity, Mindful Money, makes it easy to be ethical with our money, rather than allowing our savings to finance pollution and exploitation. Most people with KiwiSaver accounts don’t know where their money is invested. The reality is that only 2% of KiwiSaver funds avoid investing in climate-damaging fossil fuel production.

Mindful Money’s research shows that over $4.2 billion of saver’s funds are invested in companies that produce fossil fuels, make weapons, violate human rights etc. This is not what most New Zealanders want, as shown in a survey undertaken last year. Most of us behave in a responsible way by recycling, taking bags along to the supermarket and reducing our emissions. It’s time to turn that positive behaviour towards being ethical with our money too.

The Mindful Money website www.mindfulmoney.nz shows you where any one of the 265 KiwiSaver funds is invested. The website then helps you find an ethical KiwiSaver fund that suits your preferences and values. You can choose a fund that fits from a shortlist of the 26 pre-screened ethical funds, or switch if you already have a KiwiSaver account. And it will only take you 5 minutes.

Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine

Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine is the mandated environmental organisation for Ngāti Hine and carries out work on catchment management, policy planning and lobbying government. The organisation also assists other indigenous peoples in this kind of capacity building.

It is a member of the Māori National Network, Te Hiringa, a network under the Environmental Protection Authority.

Additionally, Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine the logistical organisation for the Pacific region for the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change and the organisation's General Manager, Tui Shortland, is the focal point. Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine led a delegation of 17 indigenous delegates to COP21.

The organisation is also a member of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity. Tui Shortland is the regional focal point on the working party for indicators and the international focal point for indigenous diplomacy.

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NZEI Te Riu Roa

NZEI Te Riu Roa is Aotearoa/New Zealand’s largest education union, a Treaty-based organisation and a powerful advocate for quality public education. Our union is comprised of principals, teachers, support staff and other education professionals who work in primary, area and secondary schools, early childhood centres, special education and school advisory services.

Ora Taiao

OraTaiao: The New Zealand Climate and Health Council comprises health professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand concerned with:

  • The negative impacts of climate change on health.

  • The health gains that are possible through strong, health-centred climate action.

  • Highlighting the impacts of climate change on those who already experience disadvantage or ill-health (equity impacts).

  • Reducing the health sector's contribution to climate change.

OraTaiao is part of a worldwide movement of health professionals and health organisations urgently focusing on the health challenges of climate change and the health opportunities of climate action. The Council is a not-for-profit, politically non-partisan incorporated society.

Oxfam Aotearoa

Oxfam is a world-wide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against poverty. Oxfam has a vision: a world without poverty where people are valued and treated equally, on a planet that has the natural resources to sustain them. We're mobilising the power of people to end poverty. This unique partnership between Oxfam, our supporters and the local organisations and communities we work with is lifting lives for good and creating a better future for us all.

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Pachamama Alliance Aotearoa

We are inspired by a bold vision, to empower action to bring forth an environmentally regenerative, personally fulfilling and socially just human presence with Papatuanuku.

Parents for Climate Aotearoa

Our vision is for ALL children to have a safe climate to thrive in. Through empowering parents to use their collective voice, we can push for the systemic change we need for a just transition for people now and in the future. Our mission is to educate and train people, particularly parents, wider whānau and community members to talk about climate and local solutions within their communities, just transition, implement sustainability and resilience programmes and work on local climate impact strategies, while amplifying the voices of indigenous and frontline communities both local and global. We value whanāu, community, collaboration, compassion, being guided by mātauranga Māori and science, clear communication, education and equity around climate justice for our communities.


Peace Movement Aotearoa

Peace Movement Aotearoa is the national networking peace organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand for anyone who is interested in peace, humanitarian disarmament, human rights, social justice and climate justice. We are committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to social change through non-violent means; and we are working for a world with real security, lasting peace and justice for all, which includes highlighting the impact of militarism and militarisation on the climate emergency.

Protect Our Winters NZ

Protect Our Winters NZ connects the outdoor community to protect the places they love from the impacts of climate change.

Pure Advantage

Pure Advantage supports a broad range of sustainability, regenerative and green growth-focused research activities that generate cutting-edge theory and practice to transform how New Zealanders understand and manage the relationship between the environment and the economy. Pure Advantage believes that through the adoption of transformative economic strategies based in kaitiakitanga and green growth, New Zealand’s environment, people and businesses will see a healthier, wealthier future that is more sustainable in every sense.

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Response Trust

Response Trust is engaged with strengthening responsibility as a framework for climate change policy and public good interests in governance. Its main fields of work are in climate justice, freshwater law and education Te Tiriti o Waitangi and partnership with Māori are priorities. Response is a lead partner in the UNU Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainability (RCE ). In Aotearoa-New Zealand and the Pacific region Response works on projects on sustainability, with collaboration across environmental, economic and social sectors. In keeping with our context in the Pacific ‘Water Continent’ RESPONSE gives particular attention to issues on water and climate. RESPONSE is a member of the International Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies, associated with the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation, France.

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School Strike 4 Climate NZ

We are striking from school to tell our politicians to take our futures seriously and treat climate change for what it is - a crisis. ​They can show us that they care by taking urgent action to move New Zealand beyond fossil fuels and get the job done of moving us to 100% renewable energy for all!

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Soil & Health Association of New Zealand

We champion society’s collective responsibility to protect the health of our soils for future generations. We do this to promote the development of the best physical health and spiritual well-being of all people.

Sustainability Council of New Zealand

The Council's purpose and objectives are to:

  • Assist the realisation of a sustainable New Zealand.

  • Protect and enhance New Zealand’s ecosystems, the health of New Zealanders, and the nation’s ability to derive income from established land uses.

  • Undertake research into issues related to the sustainable development of New Zealand for example, genetic modification.

  • Provide information to assist well-informed and effective community participation in decision-making on issues related to sustainability.

The Council is independent of any political party, company or other organisation.

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SustainedAbility is a growing network of disability climate activists with a bold vision for disabled-led climate action. We work to ensure disabled voices can be heard in climate negotiations, policy and social movements. We are working for more inclusive involvement of disabled people at the UNFCCC for disability-led climate action.

Tauranga Carbon Reduction Group

The Tauranga Carbon Reduction Group is an informal grassroots group to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions for positive outcomes for our environment and community.

This group meets monthly and consists of individuals and representatives of organisations such as local councils, businesses and not for profits. 

The group is interested in progressing challenges such as climate change, shifts to new technologies such as electric transportation and engaging local leaders in supporting action for the benefit of the local community and environment.

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Te Ara Whatu

Te Ara Whatu is a rōpū of young Māori & Pasifika dedicated to the wellbeing of our people and the earth.


Unite Union | Observer member

Unite union is a democratic, non-profit, voluntary movement of workers from many different sectors.

Unite is a campaigning, activist union with a community focus because whatever happens at work impacts on workers families and communities. Our mission is to lift wages, improve conditions and win respect.

Since the union was established, Unite has achieved collective agreements in all the major fast food chains, led an enormous campaign to raise the minimum wage in New Zealand on a yearly basis and ended the use of discriminatory youth rates and zero hour contracts in the fast food industry.

Unite aims to be part of a transformative union movement that will fight for and achieve economic and social justice through participatory workers struggle.

World Vision New Zealand

World Vision is a global Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Our staff work in nearly 100 countries around the world. World Vision New Zealand is part of the World Vision International partnership. WVNZ employs proven, effective development and relief practices to empower communities to become self-sufficient and bring real, lasting change. We are privileged to see lives and communities transformed. Everything we do is focused on one goal: the sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable. We are committed to serving all children regardless of gender, religion, or ethnicity.

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Wise Response

Wise Response is a broad coalition of academics, engineers, lawyers, artists, sportspeople etc who are calling on New Zealand’s Parliament to comprehensively assess imminent risks to New Zealand and to draw up plans to deal with them. Wise Response undertakes activities such as developing submissions affecting government policy, arranging public meetings and running education courses.


WWF New Zealand

WWF New Zealand is the local office of the WWF International Network, the world’s largest and most experienced independent conservation organisation. It has close to five million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. This is achieved by working on the ground with local communities, and in partnership with government and industry, using the best possible science to advocate change and effective conservation policy.

Zero Waste Network

The Zero Waste Network represents community enterprises across Aotearoa New Zealand who are working towards zero waste. We represent community enterprises across Aotearoa New Zealand who are working towards zero waste. Our mission is to:

  • connect and empower a network of zero waste community enterprises across Aotearoa

  • inform policy and procurement

  • trial and deliver zero waste solutions

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative is a global effort to foster international cooperation to accelerate a transition to clean energy for everyone, end the expansion of coal, oil and gas, and equitably phase out existing production in keeping with what science shows is needed to address the climate crisis.

It builds on decades of calls and campaigns for a fossil fuel phase out and fair energy transition by government, civil society, Indigenous, grassroots and other leaders - particularly from the Global South and aims to compliment other movements tactics such as divestment, debt relief and fossil fuel bans as well as the work being advanced by the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance and the Power Past Coal Alliance.

STEM Curiosity

Our mission is to develop a more STEM-play-conscious society in Aotearoa by taking STEM oriented open-ended play activities into NZ's schools and businesses. We want children, teachers, and parents to: Connect with themselves, each other, and their environment; and become creative and innovative in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We value kotahitanga, manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga and herekore ki te taakarokaro.

Oil Change International

Oil Change International (OCI) is a global research, communications, and advocacy organization, headquartered in Washington DC, focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the ongoing transition to clean, renewable energy. Rooted in community solidarity and principled policy analysis, we work within larger movements to build a fossil free future.

Founded in 2005, Oil Change International now has a talented, experienced, and dedicated international team of forty globally-dispersed staff, backed by hundreds of thousands of supporters. We are data driven and people powered.

We invite other New Zealand non-governmental organisations who support our vision and mission to join our network.