New Zealand CAN is pleased to announce that Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine has today joined the Network.
Nga Tirairaka o Ngati Hine is the mandated environmental organisation for Ngati Hine and carries out work on catchment management, policy planning and lobbying government. The organisation also assists other indigenous peoples in this kind of capacity building.
New Zealand CAN is pleased to announce that Sustainable Initiatives Aotearoa has today joined the Network. Sustainable Initiatives Aotearoa is a new organisation established to support education and community initiatives on climate change and sustainability. It is a registered charity, founded by former Oxfam NZ executive director Barry Coates.
Climate Action Network's (CAN) international board have approved New Zealand CAN's application to become an official CAN node. We are now an official part of the 950 organisation strong Network worldwide.
Today, the three existing Climate Action Network (CAN) members active in New Zealand (Greenpeace, Oxfam, and WWF) met with others in New Zealand's climate movement and resolved to establish a new CAN node here in New Zealand.